Brauer College, Warrnambool (17 total)
TOBIN-SALZMAN, Shinae Camille
3 total (Sum: 132)
- Health and Human Development: 49
- Literature: 41
- Physical Education: 42
2 total (Sum: 90)
- Biology: 44
- Mathematics - Further Mathematics: 46
2 total (Sum: 88)
- Chemistry: 45
- Extended Investigation: 43
TRIGG, Lachlan James
2 total (Sum: 83)
- English: 42
- Psychology: 41
COSSENS, Charlotte Rose
2 total (Sum: 81)
- Health and Human Development: 40
- Studio Arts: 41
SCHNERRING, Andrew Gregory
1 total (Sum: 43)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies: 43
WILSON, Ellie Grace
1 total (Sum: 42)
- Health and Human Development: 42
ALEXANDER, Samuel Thomas
1 total (Sum: 41)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies: 41
1 total (Sum: 41)
- Health and Human Development: 41
RALSTON, Samara Claire
1 total (Sum: 41)
- Health and Human Development: 41
O'DONOHUE, Ailish Marie
1 total (Sum: 40)
- Health and Human Development: 40